Roda System


Our clients consider our certifications and the high-quality training as an important asset which offers them reliability.

Metal structure

Professionality is the key which allows us to become a reliable partner, and this is fundamental for us since we work on behalf of third parties.


From installation to the construction of the whole machinery, our know-how makes the difference and this enables us to save time and improve quality.

Be sure to make the best choice

Roda System Reliability

The company

RODA SYSTEM S.r.l. is a workshop which aims at providing a high-quality product backed by a certification thanks to an extremely specialized work team.

Technical Office/Department

An engineering support service for any possible issue during work and the implementation of an in-line processing method with the necessary standard parameters requested by the current modern market.


  • GMAW
  • SMAW
  • GTAW (argon)

for materials with thickness varying from 3 mm to 100 mm


Roda System shortens the time for constructing, assembling and managing the order from the very moment of the analysis of feasibility to the final delivery.


  • Wood
  • Ecology
  • Steel plants
  • Robotics
  • Structural metal design, residential and industrial


We deal with European clients, especially from eastern Europe and Austria. The works commissioned to us, either directly or on behalf of third parties, are destined worldwide.

Roda System srl

A specialized work team with a continuous updating is your best choice.